FE + SK BOOK AWARD: the shortlist

Siamo molto felici di annunciare la shortlist della prima edizione del FE+SK Book Award. In questi mesi ci sono arrivati 174 libri di artistə provenienti (o residenti) da 21 paesi di tutta Europa. Vogliamo davvero ringraziare chi ha partecipato per aver condiviso i loro progetti con noi!

We are very pleased to present the shortlisted books for the first edition of the FE+SK Book Award.
In recent months we have received 174 books from artists from or residing in 21 countries across Europe. We really want to thank all the participants for sharing their projects with us!

FE+SK Book Award shortlist:

Maria Ahmed – Heaven Speed the Chameleon
Alvaro Deprit – Bubble Chamber
Luca Brama – True stories are sad because they ending
Pietro Bucciarelli – Learning how to hide
Luca Capuano/Camilla Casadei Maldini – Nuovo Fiore
Giammario Corsi – Vast and gray
Ella Mare – Dora, Lyne, Dawa, Rita, Angèle
Luca Massaro – Dizionario Vol.1
Okuyama Miyuki – At Dusk
Martina Scala – AUM

Un grazie speciale alla giuria per il prezioso lavoro / Special thanks to the jury for their great work:
Elisa Medde | Editor in Chief Foam International Photography Magazine
Tim Clark | Fotografia Europea Artistic direction
Milo Montelli | founder Skinnerboox

Nei prossimi giorni annunceremo chi vincerà ! / The winner will be announced in the next few days!

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