Tesori in mostra


A cura di Monica Leoni, Roberto Marcuccio, Chiara Panizzi
Coordinamento mostra Carmelo De Luca, Elisabeth Sciarretta
In collaborazione con Fondazione Manodori


Biblioteca Panizzi with Tesori in mostra exhibits some of its most precious materials, extraordinary specimens, collected in over two centuries and became part of the patrimony and pride of our city. The objects, extraordinary in variety and beauty, have always had the crucial task of educating, teaching and making entire generations dream. Over time, however, they have also contributed in instilling the feeling of belonging to somewhere and to its community, thus defining its identity characteristics.


What immediately stands out is the unusual sequence of the pieces, put near each other because of new relations, without any sort of pre-constituted hierarchy or order, mixing up ancient volumes with contemporary objects, esteemable documents with handbooks on popular culture. The purpose is to propose a visual narration that could arouse curiosity, “wonder” and especially the desire to go in deeper, to explore and to study. A basket with its treasures, a civic Wunderkammer, a visual encyclopedia that brings us to the heart of the history, of the events, of the “biography” of our city.


Biblioteca Panizzi
Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 3
Reggio Emilia



22 May to 5 September during library opening hours

Biblioteca Panizzi