Nelle giornate chiare si vede Europa (ON A CLEAR DAY, YOU CAN SEE EUROPE)
Myriam Meloni was invited by the artistic direction of the festival to realise the commission for the 2023 edition.
from the artistic direction on the outcomes of the Erasmus project, the photographer was inspired by the myth of Europa as narrated by Ovid. Myriam Meloni builds a portrait of contemporary ‘Europas’: young, autonomous, professional women, the finest outcome of the twentieth century and the Erasmus project, a fruitful preparation in travelling and meeting others.
Currently all at home in Tangier, a strategic meeting point between Africa and Europe, with their professionalism and openness, they are carrying out a velvet revolution, taking root in the communities that welcome them while continuing to embody the values of their origins. The images are the restitution of a path completed, a constellation of potential, inviting us to adopt a new critical perspective on cultural contamination, emphasising the dialogue woven by these young women who from the shore, on clear days, look towards their Europe.
A reflection on European Identity, through the eyes of the so-called Children of Erasmus who have crossed the borders of Europe.
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