Ariane Loze

Utopia e Studies and Definitions

Ariane Loze presents Utopia and Studies and Definitions: two of four videos made between April 2017 and October 2018 to reflect on Europe.


In the first, the artist, dressed in a yellow mackintosh in a blue theatre, gives form to a four-way dialogue on founding themes such as being a community, feeling represented, the search for the common good and, finally, the imagination of a utopia.


In Studies and Definitions, on the other hand, we witness a debate arising from the reading of the first page of the consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union, all conceived by Ariane Loze to confront existing texts.


Listen to the words of the artist

Ariane Loze, Belgium 1988. Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium

Since 2008 Ariane Loze researches the coming to life of a story out of seemingly unrelated images with her camera. In these series of videos she takes on all the parts: she is at the same time the actress, the camerawoman and the director. Through the editing of the images she develops a relation between two (or more) characters and the architecture. The videos of Ariane Loze put the spectator in the active role of creating his/her own story out of the basic principles of film editing: shot and counter-shot, the presumed continuity of movement, and the psychological suggestion of a narrative. The filming of these videos has been made public as a ongoing performance.


The videos of Ariane Loze will be presented at the Salon de Montrouge Paris (May 2018) and in the new museum for contemporary art KANAL Centre Pompidou in Brussels (May 2018). Recent exhibition projects include Videoformes Clermont-Ferrand (2015), Traverse Vidéo Toulouse FRAC Midi-Pyrénées (2015), Medienwerkstatt Berlin (2016), S.M.A.K. Etcetera Ghent (2016), Boghossian Fondation Brussels (2016), De Appel “You are such a curator” Amsterdam (2016), “Kunst om de lijf” Emergent Veurne, New York Anthology Film Archive AXW screening (2017), Watch this Space Biennale #9 Lille Brussels (2017), Gemischte Gefühle Tempelhof Berlin (2017).


Palazzo Da Mosto
Via Mari 7
Reggio Emilia


opening days
28th of April › 19-23
29th of April › 10-23
30th of April › 10-23
1st of May › 10-20

from 3rd of May to 11th of June
Wednesday, Thursday › 10 - 13 / 15-19
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays › 10 - 20

Palazzo da Mosto