Davide Tranchina

SS 9 – Strada Stellare 9


Strada Stellare 9 is an incessant rambling on the Via Emilia that becomes the pretext for a cosmic road trip. An occasion to reflect on the concept of distance, which in this case takes the form of perpetual motion. An ongoing journey from Rimini to Piacenza and back, through the contemporary landscape of the Po valley in which the signs of complexity are stratified. From a remote past to a possible future, in the span of just a few kilometres. Ruins of the rural culture mix with the new scenarios made of multiplex cinemas, roundabouts, hypermarkets, and then glimpses of sublime nature and centuries-old art. An account with an alternation of encounters with solitary subjects illuminated by the alien light from the depths of space and, as if by magic, the road projects its imprints into the celestial vault, in a play of infinite overturnings.


Davide Tranchina’s project is part of the group exhibition 2016. Nuove esplorazioni,  curated by Diane Dufour, Elio Grazioli and Walter Guadagnini.

2016. Nuove Esplorazioni

The exhibition originates and develops in relation to Explorations along the Via Emilia (1986), with the aim to describe how the Via Emilia has changed over the last thirty years and how the way of representing it has changed too.

For this research, the festival commissioned seven contemporary authors representing a new generation: Alain Bublex, Stefano Graziani, Antonio Rovaldi, Sebastian Stumpf, Davide Tranchina, Paolo Ventura, and Lorenzo Vitturi. Their task was to give an account of the Via Emilia today.


Davide Tranchina was born in Bologna in 1972. In 2003 he exhibited at the Spazio Aperto of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Bologna. In 2009 he was one of the artists invited to the Prague Biennale 4. His research 40 notti a Montecristo (40 nights in Montecristo) was presented in premiere at the exhibition Perduti nel paesaggio (Lost in landscape) held at the MART of Rovereto in 2014.

Tranchina’s images have been published in Italian and international photography publications, including Future Images, edited by M. Cresci (24ORE Cultura), Laboratorio Italia. La fotografia nell’arte contemporanea, edited by M. Paderni (Johan & Levi Editore), and Tre strade per la fotografia by L. Panaro (APM Edizioni).

He is one of the winners of the 2010 edition of the Premio Terna 03 for contemporary art. He was the winner of the fourth edition of the Premio Francesco Fabbri for Contemporary Arts 2015, in the Contemporary Photography section.

His works have been acquired for the permanent collections of the Galleria Civica of Modena, UniCredit / MAMbo Bologna, the MART of Rovereto, and UBI – Banca Popolare di Bergamo.


7 May 10.30 am, Teatro Cavallerizza

2016. New explorations

Diane Dufour, Elio Grazioli and Walter Guadagnini talk with Alain Bublex, Stefano Graziani, Antonio Rovaldi, Sebastian Stumpf, Davide Tranchina, Paolo Ventura, Lorenzo Vitturi

booksigning to follow


8 May 2 pm, Chiostri di San Pietro

ASK THE ARTIST: 2016. New explorations

The artists Alain Bublex, Stefano Graziani, Antonio Rovaldi, Sebastian Stumpf, Davide Tranchina, Paolo Ventura, Lorenzo Vitturi, will answer at questions by public


17/18/19  June, Palazzo dei Musei

WorkshopDavide Tranchina

Paid workshop. Info: info@fotografiaeuropea.it


25 June, 6.30 pm, Chiostri di San Pietro 

2016. New explorations guided tour with the curator Elio Grazioli


Chiostri di San Pietro
via Emilia San Pietro, 44/c
42121 Reggio Emilia



inaugural days
May 6 › 7am-11pm
May 7 and 8 › 10am-11pm
from May 9 to July 10 Friday/Sunday
Friday › 6pm-11pm
Saturday › 10am-11pm
Sunday and holiday › 10am-8pm

Chiostri di San Pietro