Bilateral echoes the passage of exiles through southern Italy and the Alps, showing or suggesting it, looking for traces of it. It is also a photographic work on the landscape, on both sides of the border, from one world to the other. It is in a social climate of mistrust of the media and more particularly of images that I have tried to photograph and listen to people, first of all those who cross or try to cross borders. But the challenge of this new work is also to represent those who fight to make the world less violent by mobilising in the places where they live, as a way of repairing violence: where exile meets hospitality.
Invisible most of the time yet masters of their own image, the decision-makers must also be shown. They are exposed elsewhere and differently, in secret rooms or during international meetings on a large media scale. They are interchangeable, faceless but responsible. They vote on immigration laws at the EU level and are also able to sign agreements with third countries outside Europe to outsource migration management and keep undesirables further away. Behind the satisfaction of their poses and looks they encourage violence and discrimination.
Listen to the words of the artist