circulation(s). festival de la jeune photographie européenne
Circulation(s) is the only festival focusing on Young European Photography by exhibiting a photographic dialogue about Europe. Aiming at scouting and developing talents coming from the young European photographic scene, the festival, organized by Fetart, (a non-profit organization created in 2005), also wishes to connect and federate with partners promoting the same ambition: helping the young photographers to step into the professional market and exhibit an innovative contemporary artistic production.
The festival programming is staged with the Jury’s selection – made after an international call for submission, the selection from an invited school and one from an invited gallery as well as the selection promoted by this year’s sponsor, Nathalie Herschdorfer, director of the “Musée des Beaux-Arts du Locle”, in Switzerland.
Along with a significant exhibition hosting the work of 45 photographers, educational activities (guided tour by the artists, screenings …) and workshops (portfolios lectures, presentation of some of the best European schools of photography) will be organized for the public at large and young photographers.