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Marco Zanta was born in Treviso in 1962 where now he lives and works.

Marco Zanta looked at the town's council houses both from the historical and stylistic perspective. In fact, he is interested in the way the architecture conditions the people who live in these houses.

His photographs are full of subtleties, and in which the limiting and boundary concepts can be read. Any attempt made by them to transform reality is banished.

As regards his photographic project, Residence Belvedere, Marco Zanta says: "In Reggio Emilia I searched for the aspects which interest me the most in the provincial towns: the buildings, the places, the spaces which are associated with the most common living styles. The structure of the council house, of public buildings attract me because I identify with this as an appropriate feature to define the identity of the Towns; an appropriate way to describe a given urban fabric, to become familiar with sections of social character present in those places.

The skin of the buildings just like face portraits, as if seeking to represent those figures that almost never appear in my photographs. To observe the town theatre, directly, obsessively, to talk, also about the players who live that experience.

To look for the colours, which in turn, identify a gentle way of experiencing a given place.

To work on the living experience, on the container of the living experience, to be able to talk about the town that is reminiscent of many other urban scenarios, typical of our country".

A number of solo exhibitions

  • Luoghi come Paesaggi, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze, 2000
  • Lontano, Galleria San Fedele, Milano, 2002
  • The Space Between, Linea di Confine, Rubiera, 2002
  • Le Cittą Invisibili, Palazzo della Triennale, Milano, 2002
  • Sguardi Contemporanei_50 anni di architettura italiana, 9a Biennale Internazionale di Architettura, Venezia 2004
  • Cantieri dell'Arte, Ex Cartiere Binda, Milano, 2004 photogallery Zanta