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Leonardo Genovese was born in Lucania and lives and works in Milan since 1981.

The author is interested in expressing the concept of suspended time using the language of photography.

Leonardo Genovese has worked in this sense in the town of Reggio Emilia, inside historical homes, but also in museum and institutional contexts. The link that unites his images is the association between the word, even the literary word, and the image, where the limit and boundary are represented by the expressive strength of emotions and sensations.

Secretum is the title of the work performed for Storie urbane (Urban studies).

"The city has the starting Time, the age of motherhood. One escapes and returns from there, the seed of origin lies in every one of its stones. I listen to the treading of the years; of imagined steps and dense thoughts like a retractable substance. I have barely had the Time to visit Your cold places of dawn's and fogs, I came away from your home with one thought, the only clue, the only unspoken image."
Leonardo Genovese

A number of solo exhibitions

  • Nil obscurius luce, Galleria Cons Arc, Chiasso, 1997
  • L'Occidente imperfetto, Biennale Internazionale di Fotografia, Torino 1999
  • Problemi di luogo, Lorenzelli Arte, Milano, 2000
  • Ellissi, Galleria Valeria Belvedere, Milano, 2001
  • Asparizioni, Fotografia Italiana, Milano, 2005